About Us
Juvenile Probation monitors court ordered conditions of juveniles placed under probation. It also provides for case management services as part of the youth rehabilitative programs to prevent further delinquent or criminal activities. This unit includes case services for juveniles at the Detention Facility.
Our Vision
To promote public safety by making positive differences in the lives of youth, families, victims, and the community.
Our Mission
To ensure public safety, build competences within the juvenile and their families, reduce recidivism, restore victims, and protect the community.
Our Goal
To provide a framework for community protection and juvenile offender accountability through delinquency prevention, case management, victim services, rehabilitation, juvenile client protection, interagency involvement, and employee development and training.
Meet the Team!

Sylvio S. Ada
Probation officer iii

Missy DLG. Aldan
probation officer iii

Rutha Tebuteb
probation officer iii

Sheelane S. Santos
probation officer ii

Russel Z. Hocog
probation officer i
What is Juvenile Probation?
Probation is a court ordered sanction that allows a person to remain in the community under the supervision of a probation officer. The conditions of this community-based supervision can vary. Juvenile Probation assists the Family Court not only by helping to identify suitable candidates for probation, but also by recommending appropriate sanctions to be imposed, including time in custody, fines, restitution, and community service.
Once probation is being considered, Juvenile Probation designs an appropriate supervision plan for each juvenile which guides the youth toward accepting the responsibilities of being a law abiding citizen. If the person does not follow the rules of their probation, they could go back before the judge and be sent back to jail or prison.
What is the role of a juvenile probation officer?
A probation officer is someone who supervises a person who has been placed on probation. Some of the officer’s duties include the following:
- Supervise youth to ensure compliance with court orders
- Assist the youth on their caseloads in obtaining needed services deemed vital for their rehabilitation
- Conduct work, home, and school visits
- Make referrals to community resources for youth and family interventions
Juvenile Diversion Program
Diversion is a program run by the office of Juvenile Probation with the cooperation of the office of the Attorney General. Diversion is a form of voluntary probation with conditions and treatment plans designed for the needs of each individual client as set forth by the DYS Juvenile Diversion Program Coordinator and approved by the Unit Supervisor.
This program is being implemented to divert first time non-felony offenders from the formal sanction system of the Family Court Division by placing the minor voluntarily on an informal probation status.
The goal of this program is to encourage our youth to organize their behavior, attitude, and ambition in a pro-social manner during the rehabilitative process within the duration of the program with minimal exposure to the physical setting of the court. The Diversion Program will further enhance a more positive and trusting disposition with the youth, their family, and their probation officer.
What goes on during a juvenile case?
What public laws affect our operations?

Contact Us
12586 Capitol Hill Road
(House #1339)
Capitol Hill, Saipan
(670) 237-1024 to 1030